Our Expertise
Product Liability
Our attorneys have extensive experience in product liability issues on behalf of both manufacturers and claimants.
From the manufacturer’s perspective, our attorneys regularly counsel clients regarding product liability prevention measures, including assisting in developing product safety programs and initiatives, reviewing compliance with appropriate product standards, and providing counsel related to possible product recalls. Our experience also includes defending product manufacturers in litigation in federal and state courts, including multidistrict litigation, serial product liability cases, and single-incident loss cases. Among these are a number of pharmaceutical product liability litigation matters regarding PPA, Thimerosol, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), Rezulin, diet drugs, DES, and the Shiley Mechanical Heart Valve.
From a claimant’s perspective, we represent individuals in both federal and state court who have been harmed as a result of a product defect or failure, or due to unsafe design of a product. In addition, our attorneys have represented plaintiffs throughout the country in class action lawsuits and have successfully negotiated a multi-million-dollar settlement against a product manufacturer.